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Halide Mark II - 专业相机
开发商:Lux Optics Incorporated

Halide Mark II - 专业相机实时排行

总榜 摄影与录像

应用截图 iphone


版本:版本 2.0.1
大小:24 MB
© 2020 Lux Optics Inc
兼容性: 系统要求:iOS 12.2 和 watchOS 4.0 或更高版本。兼容设备:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
当前版本:星 份评分
所有版本:星 份评分


After 18 months of work, today we're excited to launch Halide Mark II — Not just Halide's biggest update yet, but a whole new app.

If you already bought Halide 1, we have great news: you're getting Mark II for free!

We have a lot to talk about and limited space in release notes, so for the full details check out our announcement at blog.halide.cam


Halide has been completely redesigned. We've taken years of lessons and advancements from Halide to inform its new design. Our new interface is simplified, yet more powerful — thanks to new gestures and thoughtful details throughout. It is even more polished than before. Of course, everything is still in easy reach with one hand — even on phones with a home button: iPhone SE users rejoice!

Everyone wants to shoot RAW. It's powerful — but where do you start?

When you take a photo with the built-in camera app, it makes a ton of decisions on your behalf. That's great for most, but your involvement in development is part of the artistic process, similar to how photographers would choose a specific film stock and processing to achieve a specific look.

Aspiring photographers learning to process RAW face three big challenges. 1) Unprocessed images start out looking worse than you expect, 2) the iPhone cannot perform advanced computational photography, such as Smart HDR and Deep Fusion, while capturing RAW, and 3) Many popular photo filter apps don't support RAW.

All these problems leave aspiring photographers thinking: "Do I want to take a photo that's ready to share, or jump through all these hoops for maximum power when editing?"

Until today.

Introducing two new features: Halide Mark II is the first camera to capture both RAW and computational photos in one burst, in a feature we call COVERAGE. Now you can take amazing photos that leverage all the advanced photography of the latest iPhones, while having a RAW in your back pocket in case you think you can do better.

We're making it easier to edit a RAW with a feature we call INSTANT RAW. Think of as midway between a completely unedited RAW, and a totally processed JPEG. It's really meant for editing, but sometimes you'll be amazed by the results. It's one tap in our brand new reviewer.


Mark II bursts with new tools to help with focus and exposure. First we revamped our existing Luminance and Color histograms. You can now keep them tiny and out of the way if you want your full attention on your photo, or enlarge them to obsess over fine details.

But our groundbreaking change is the addition of a third type of visualization, the Waveform. Up to now, this powerful tool was only used in high-end motion picture work, and we're the first app to bring it to photography. In short, this tool horizontally scans over your image to expose which color channels are clipped.

You may be familiar with Zebra Stripes, stripes appear when parts of your images are clipped. However, we've advanced the concept of Zebras to include details on which individual channels are clipped. We call them Color Zebras.

These are the most advanced tools for an iPhone camera yet: All of these features use something we call Extended Dynamic Range (XDR). We are the the first camera app to provide full, 14-bit RAW data powered exposure tools in realtime.


As a Halide owner, you own all of its core features. It is not going away. However, we are offering a separate, *completely optional* membership so we can offer services with ongoing cost, and premium, ongoing content. Subscribe today for an exclusive new icon.


Halide is made by a small team of three. It wouldn't be possible to ship a massive project like this without support from folks like you, a person who cares enough to read to the bottom of crazy long release notes. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support! If you love it, leave us a review!

— Ben, Sebastiaan, & Rebecca

Halide Mark II - 专业相机简介

Halide是荣获App Store编辑推荐奖的一款相机,其制作团队此前的作品Spectre曾获得Apple的2019年年度最佳应用奖。

Halide被列为Macworld的“必备应用”、Verge的“我们喜爱的应用”,并被Sweet Setup选为“iPhone最佳第三方相机应用”。Daring Fireball评价道:“这种对哪怕再小的细节都给予无微不至的关注的态度值得称赞。”



Halide支持用手势来滑动更改曝光度和手动对焦,或者从强大的自动模式切换到手动模式。Halide的专业工具是App Store上功能最强大的,支持XDR(超宽动态范围)14位RAW流波形视图、色彩斑马线、对焦助手(如对焦峰值和放大镜)、直方图、自适应水平网格、手动景深捕捉和对RAW的支持。*可自定义控制来让应用适合您的需求。


- 精美直观的基于手势的界面,可单手操控
- 可在iPhone XR和iPhone SE上为宠物和物品拍摄肖像照
- 手动对焦,以及强大的工具,例如对焦放大镜和对焦峰值
- Halide智能RAW带来智能的自动模式,凭借机器学习优化了对RAW文件的设置,噪点更少、细节更丰富
- 全手动曝光控制,包括快门速度、ISO和白平衡
- iPhone最佳曝光工具:直方图、XDR 14位RGB波形图以及色彩斑马纹
- 拍摄RAW、TIFF、HEIC或JPG,获得最佳品质的照片
- 带有内置水平的网格叠层
- 强大的查看器,可查看DNG、JPG、HEIC和实况照片,以及肖像景深数据和遮罩,并带有详细的元数据视图
- 立等可取的RAW冲洗流程,可一键快速冲洗RAW文件
- 技术指标可展示iPhone相机硬件的全部详细信息
- Apple Watch助手应用可进行远程拍摄
- 支持以Siri快捷方式远程按快门或以自动或手动模式打开Halide
- Coverage是一项强大的新功能,能以极小的延迟拍摄两张照片,一张带有Deep Fusion和Smart HDR的最高Smart HDR处理图片,以及一张DNG RAW照片。
- 在应用中直接注册参加全面的课程,例如10天的快速教程,成为更出色的摄影师。
- 以保护隐私为本的设计原则:Halide不含任何追踪器或追踪流程,没有第三方库,不收集数据或照片,也绝对不会传输数据。Halide还包括可减少被监控可能性的功能(由Facebook等公司开发),例如限制从应用中共享出去的照片的信息。


iPhone 11和11 Pro的超宽相机不支持RAW或手动对焦。
波形图功能仅限iPhone 8或更新的型号。(8、X、XS、XR、SE2、11、11 Pro)
景深拍摄功能仅限iPhone 7 Plus、8 Plus、X、XS、XR、11、11 Pro或SE2

