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Signal - 隐私通信工具
开发商:Signal Messenger, LLC

Signal - 隐私通信工具实时排行

总榜 社交



大小:59.0 MB
语言:简体中文, 丹麦文, 俄文, 保加利亚文, 克罗地亚文, 加利西亚文, 加泰罗尼亚文, 匈牙利文, 博克马尔文挪威文, 印度尼西亚文, 土耳其文, 希伯来文, 希腊文, 德语, 意大利语, 拉脱维亚文, 捷克文, 斯洛文尼亚文, 日语, 柬埔寨文, 法语, 波兰文, 波斯尼亚文, 波斯文, 泰文, 瑞典文, 立陶宛文, 绍纳文, 缅甸文, 罗马尼亚文, 芬兰文, 英语, 荷兰文, 菲律宾文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语, 阿塞拜疆文, 阿尔巴尼亚文, 阿拉伯文, 韩语, 马其顿文
兼容性:需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
当前版本:4.0星 64份评分
所有版本:4.0星 164份评分


• Fixed an iOS 11.2 issue around keyboard layout.
• Fixed an iOS 11.2 issue where contact names could intermittently disappear.
• Faster message processing and more efficient network usage.
• Signal has been fully updated to support the iPhone X.
• We revamped our layout code to improve performance and flexibility. Everything should feel smoother and more refined.
• Additional messages now appear automatically when you scroll to the top of a conversation. You won't need to tap on the “Load Earlier Messages” link ever again (and you also can't because it's gone).
• “Jumbomoji” have arrived. Emoji characters are visibly larger in messages that do not contain any other text. Your thumbs-up sign has never looked better.
• Although we can't fix the weak WiFi in the corner of the coffee shop, we made it a whole lot easier to spot failed messages and to send them again.
• A “Tap For More” option makes navigating extraordinarily long messages much more pleasant.
• Quickly send photos, files, or GIFs using a newly simplified interface. Attachment previews are displayed directly in the message bar instead of on a separate confirmation screen.
• Users with external keyboards can send messages using Shift+Return or Cmd+Return. Reaching up and tapping the send icon remains an option for anyone who reminisces about the past.
• The list of supported languages has expanded to include Burmese, Hebrew, and Persian. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible.

We said farewell to the following bugs:

• Under rare circumstances, message drafts could mysteriously vanish.
• Adjacent message statuses behaved incorrectly after deleting a message.
• Users who were simultaneously running the desktop version of Signal could receive redundant notifications.
• Edit items might be missing from the long-press menu.
• The input toolbar could remain raised even when no keyboard was visible.
• Recently sent messages sometimes reappeared after being deleted.
• Some users on iOS 11 were unable to save images to their Camera Roll.

Signal is made for you. Thank you for your feedback and support.

Signal - 隐私通信工具简介

全球各地每天都有数百万人使用 Signal 进行免费即时通信。收发高保真消息,参与高清语音/视频会话,探索不断新增的各种功能,随时随地保持联系。Signal 的高级隐私保护技术始终处于启用状态,您可以放心与重要的人分享重要时刻。

• 畅所欲言 - 最先进的端到端加密(由开源 Signal Protocol™ 提供支持)确保会话安全。对 Signal 而言,隐私并非可有可无,而是必不可缺。每条消息、每次通话、每时每刻都应受到保护。

• 快速高效 - Signal 可突破环境限制,实现高效运行。即使网速缓慢,也能快速可靠地收发消息。

• 自由随心 – Signal 是一家完全独立的 501c3 非营利组织,其发展依赖广大用户的支持,使用过程不会受到广告侵扰。

• 做自己 – 您可以使用现有电话号码和地址簿与好友进行安全通信。

• 清晰流畅 - 无论家人朋友身处何地,都能与他们进行高清语音/视频通话,犹如近在咫尺。

• 耳边私语 - 如果不喜欢光亮,可切换至深色主题。

• 似曾相识 - 为每个联系人选择自定义铃声提醒,或完全禁用噪音。Simon & Garfunkel 在 1964 年创造了一首相关的热门歌曲。您也可以随时选择“无”作为通知铃声,体验“寂静之声”。

• 发挥您的想象 - 使用内置图像编辑功能绘制、裁剪和翻转外发照片,还可借助文本工具,添加更多文字说明。



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